DVDSTEPBYSTEP.COM | Sunday Feb 16, 2025 |
IN GENERALFast Track From Final Cut Pro to DVD SP Quick Menu From Photoshop to DVD SP MENUSUsing Motion to Create Using DVD SP Assets From Templates Auto Assigning Buttons/ Semi/Pseudo Animated Rollovers Sort Of TRACKSSTORIESScriptless Play All/Scene Selection SCRIPTSUsing Scripts For Preferences (Audio Selection) |
OVERVIEW Sometimes you will want to make only a portion of a button show in various states (normal, selected, activated) and one way is to make overlays with different colors or shades of gray. This shows you how. DETAILS 1.) Create a new file in Photoshop. Make Button Red and the Arrow Blue and save as a pict, then do the same thing and make the button Black and 50% Gray
2.) Open Up DVD SP, press F3 Key to get the view below, create a menu called color set the overlay to color.pct 3.) Create a button area and in the inspector (lower right of image) select Chroma not grayscale and adjust normal, selected and activated colors from the sliders
Using the bw.pct, set that as the overlay for the BW menu and Map using grayscale The same principles applies if you would like to add a glow around the text in another color or grayscale. |